
Archive for the ‘Friends Day’ Category

tangerine friends


The 12th Chapter of Romans, in the 14th verse says, “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep”.  The Message says it this way, “Laugh with your happy friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re down”.

I love friends like this.  If you have a friend that something good has happened to, why not call them up (if you can’t be with them) and have a good ol’ rejoicing session!  You will be blessed as well as them.  If a friend is weeping now, sit down and cry with them. 

There is another scripture that I love and it is, Galations 6:10—As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.  We give and give to reach people that are not saved and this is right.  However, don’t forget your friends that are in the church.  The ones that work beside you in the gospel work.  As the scripture above says, “especially” unto those of the household of faith. Let them know you care today.

I am so blessed to have these kind of friends in my life.  Let your friends know that you care today, one way or the other.  Happy or Sad.  Up or down.  They are your friends and they matter.  Let’s just make this our unofficial “Friend Day”. 

tender moment

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What a smashing success!  Over 87 visitors.  So many good things happened I don’t even know how to put it in words.  Go here for a good report and some photos.

You can also view photos on my flickr account.  You will find it in the right column under “More Pics To Enjoy”.

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